Tutorial 1

Along with the barrel I created in the self study, I found models online for the Eiffel Tower, a pagoda and a cat (attributes included below) to include for the tutorial. I added them into Unity and gave them a Rigidbody component for their physics, a bouncy physics material (except for the Eiffel Tower) along with a collider for each so they didn't just fall through each other. To make it seem more realistic, I increased the mass of the Eiffel Tower so when it got hit with the objects, the tower itself didn't go flying.

I positioned the objects above the tower, gave them all a random rotation to make them bounce in different directions, and then copied them to increase the amount of objects falling.

I set up the camera at a good position and this was the final result.

Models Used:

SM - EIffel Tower by Scott Marshall [CC-BY] (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) via Poly Pizza (https://poly.pizza/m/aIpJchqtRTg)

Pagoda by Poly by Google [CC-BY] (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) via Poly Pizza (https://poly.pizza/m/1zS7ucaAd4J)

Cat by Poly by Google [CC-BY] (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) via Poly Pizza (https://poly.pizza/m/6dM1J6f6pm9)

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